

 The Elementary Beauty Company 

 Our story

My interest in natural beauty didn’t happen overnight. Becoming a mother and pursuing better choices for my son, made me more conscious about what I ate and what I used on my skin. The more I found out about ingredients, the more daunting I found the process. There are so many choices! Although I enjoyed the journey, I couldn’t help thinking: How on earth are we supposed to make better choices when there is so much misinformation, biased opinions and powerful advertising bombarding us? I soon came to realize niche brands put so much more passion into their creations, focusing on high quality ingredients and product efficacy, whilst remaining mindful and environmentally friendly and this fascinated me. The idea of bringing together a few of the best brands which are conscious, clean and effective started to grow and The Elementary Beauty Company was born in the summer of 2018.

The starting point was Lazartigue, a French botanical hair care brand, which I very much admired. My search for other remarkable niche brands from around the world continued -France, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, US as well as the UK, adding the brands I personally tried, tested and fell in love with to the portfolio, making it easy for you to discover them effortlessly and fall in love with them too.

Values and Commitments

Providing our customers with unique cosmetic products and an outstanding shopping experience is very much our mission.

We believe everyday hair and skin care shouldn’t be complicated and must always be effective.

Our goal is simple - to uncomplicate your beauty journey and provide our customers with effective, good for your health products!

It’s important to us to ensure your experience is smooth and delightful - we are always here for you. If you need any help, please let us know.
